Welcome to our blog post on the Best Wiffle Ball Bats on the market. Pick up baseball is one of the best things out there but finding the right bat can actually be hard these days. Be careful not to get the plastic bat that is going to break every ten seconds. Here are our picks of the best bats on the market.
1) The Kore Baseball Bat
This is number one because of how strong and durable the plastic is. We are bias but we also think that playing with the Kore ball is more fun than the wiffle ball. If you buy this bat you get a Kore Baseball with it. The Kore Baseball is just a soft squishy baseball. You won't regret buying this set because it is very durable. You can also buy bat reinforcement tape to tape up your bat and make it even more durable. If you are swinging super hard we recommend you buy the tape along with the bat.
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David Ortiz Backyard Baseball Set for Youth
Price: $29.99
This is another good option. These bats are light weight and they have a cool design on them. Comes with two bats which is nice but the plastic is a little bit thin. Check out the link below for more details on the length of the bats and everything.
Price: $16.99
This is a good option. This is a pretty durable bat that is good for wiffle ball. Easton has made pretty good wiffle ball bats over the years. The wiffle ball it comes with might break if you hit it too hard but this is a solid set.
BLITZBALL Starter Pack
Price: $29.99
Blitzball is a good option. If you enjoy playing with balls that bend and curve then this is a great option. You can through some pretty crazy pitches with this and strike your friends out. The bat is actually really durable so you won't regret buying it.
WIFFLE Ball 6 Baseballs Official Size 6 Pack
Price: $36.99
This is your classic wiffle ball set. It comes with a lot but this type of plastic is not super durable. It can definitely break if you are swinging super hard. it also has a very thin barrel that is tough to hit with. It makes it tough to really get a hold of the ball which I guess can be a good think if you like a challenge. Don't expect this one to last forever.
Franklin Sports Plastic Baseball Bat + Ball Set
Price: $14.99
MLB licensed bat which is pretty durable. Comes with a wiffle ball. This is a good bat good for all ages. If you like the MLB logo on it then this is a good option. Not sure what the dimensions are for this one. It might be a little bit shorter but you should double check before you purchase it.
WIFFLE Ball 6 Baseballs Official Size - 6 Pack Ball 32" Bats 2 Pack, BSN Orange Throw Down Bases (5 Piece), Gift Set Bundle + Bonus NOIS Tissue Pack
Price: $59.99
This is a good option if you need everything including bases. This is the same product as above but it comes with more gear if you are throwing a wiffle ball party. it is nice to have bases to play with so it might be worth spending the money and getting this full set. You could also just spend money and get a stronger bat and then buy bases separately.
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Here are the main wiffle ball bats on the market. Let us know if we are missing any of your favorites. These are the ones we have played with. You can't really go wrong with anything if you are playing baseball. In my opinion the best wiffle ball bat is the one that is the most durable and allows people to have fun playing baseball.